Relational Injuries
Relationships are difficult. We feel connected, loved, and content when are relationships are going well. Some relationship issues are gradual and reach a crisis point where a change needs to be made. Other times, relationship concerns can arise unexpectedly and make us feel shocked, as if the rug has been pulled out from overneath us. These problems can occur in the context of our romantic relationships or with others such as friends, siblings, parents and other loved ones who we have formed an emotional bond with.
When we are in the midst of trying to navigate such problems, it can be really difficult to put our finger on what is going on and how to make improvements. In addition, so many factors can influence the quality of our connectedness with loved ones.
Beck Psychotherapy & Counselling can work together with you to help identify and process the emotional injury that can happen from relationships.
Our company recognizes the inherent worth of each person, their ability to choose the trajectory of their own life and has a firm understanding that our relationships with others and our connectedness to ourselves is essential. The natural ups and downs of life and its demands can pull us away from living our values and from staying connected.
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